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Oct 18, 2010

Holiday Special
Gift Certificates are always available!

Eliminate The Gift Card This Holiday! Personal Gift Shopping
Standard without Wrapping: $60/gift
Standard with Wrapping: $70/gift
Premium Gift Giver with Wrapping (discounted for 5+ gifts): $65/gift

It’s that time of year. Your schedule is packed and there are a million people to shop for. Looks like everyone is getting a gift card! Or you can let me help you. In our meeting we will go through who you are shopping for, a little bit about them, what you had in mind for them already (if anything), and a price point you would like to work within. I head out on the hunt and present you with my findings. If anything isn’t right, I am in charge of returning it and making it perfect. Once you have all of your gifts I also offer gift wrapping to make the holidays convenient and enjoyable.

Packages and Prices

Get Me Started - Wardrobe Consultation (1hr) 
Standard: $90/hr

We will meet at your desired location and chat about your lifestyle, day-to-day activities, style goals and a budget you’d feel comfortable working within. If we are at your home we can also take a quick look inside your closet just to see what you're working with everyday. Within a few days of the consultation you will receive a list of suggested additions for you closet based on our conversation. All items will be able to be purchased online for your convenience. 

‘I Have Nothing To Wear!’ - Closet Clean-Out (2hr min.)
Standard: $110/hr
Additional Hours: $50/hr

You always have more usable items in your closet than you think. We’d take this time to go systematically through the closet and decide what can stay, what should go, and what we can re-work to use again. The idea is to make your closet as user friendly as possible. This package includes organizing the whole closet, making sure seasonal items are easily accessible, and most importantly creating new and exciting outfits from items you already own.

After our session you will receive personalized look-book for you to reference that will recap the outfits we put together as well as a list that outlines suggested items you might want to add to your collection.

Personal Shopping Experience (2hr min.)
Standard: $90/hr
In-Home Shopping Experience: $120/hr

This is great if you have a special event or if you just need some fun seasonal items. I can create a personalized shopping experience that’s guaranteed to be quick, easy and fun. You tell me what neighborhood you’d prefer and I will survey the land, pulling the necessary items you are looking for, thus eliminating impulse buys or duplicates in your closet. After each location we can put everything on hold, allowing us to review what we looked at over a nice cup of coffee. Either you can return to purchase whatever items you liked or send me and I will deliver them to your home. This ensures that you only walk away with pieces you’ll wear over and over again.

If shopping is not enjoyable for you, I can also bring the whole experience to your home. Once we have gone through what I have pulled for you, I will return or exchange anything that doesn’t work.

*If you need me to find and order anything online that we couldn't find in the stores it's $5/item

Seasonal Consultation and Wardrobe Update (1hr)
Standard: $90/hr

After all the runway shows have wrapped around the world, how do you know which items you can filter into your daily life? I can meet with you at home and we will talk about which trends you’re excited about and which ones you want nowhere near you. I will put together a few outfits from your closet that will be staples for you all season and send you a personalized look-book for you to reference that shows what we went over. Also, after our session I will send you a detailed list of any additions you might want to make to your wardrobe. As usual the list is virtual allowing you to purchase all items online for your convenience.

Special Event Preparation (2hr min)
Standard: $60/hr
Premium: $100/hr

Remember in college when you'd get ready with your best girlfriends. They were your sounding board for every outfit you put on before going out the door. Allow me to take on that roll. I will come over two hours before you head out the door, where we will talk about the event. Then we can pick an outfit from your closet that will be perfect. This includes feedback on hair, make-up and accessories of course. If you aren’t loving anything in your closet, I do offer a Premium package where I bring over three or four options from stores around Boston. I will get you out the door looking like perfection (on time of course!).

Live-In Stylist
Year: $1,800 flat rate (3 free months)
Seasonal (Spring/Summer: March to August OR Fall/Winter: September to February):  $1,000 flat rate (2 free months)
Per Month: $200 flat rate (free consultation and a free shop)

This is as close to having a live-in stylist as you can get. I have combined the best features of all the packages and added something even more valuable, unlimited contact. If you are out shopping and want to know if what you are wearing looks alright, text me a picture and I will get back to you immediately.  This service comes in handy for all those little questions and enables you to reach me on the spot. It also includes all the necessities: one consultation, closet update/organization, personal shopping experience, online suggestion list, and personalized look-book per season.

A La Carte Options

Additional Online Shopping List: $40/hr
When you’d like to add a few more things to your wardrobe, request an additional online shopping list where I will provide personalized suggestions based on our conversation. As usual every item will be linked virtually linked allowing you to purchase it at your convenience online.

Additional Consultation: $60/hr*

If your wardrobe starts to feel unmanageable at any time I am always free to do an additional consultation where we can talk about your current look and any concerns you may have.

(This does not include the Personalized Look-Book or Online List that is included in the main Consultation package.)

Clothing Delivery: $50 flat
No matter if you’ve been shopping on your own or with me,  I will pick-up the designated items, deliver them to your home, and even unpack them if you’d like.

Closet Organization: $60/hr
Sometimes when we get ready, we end up going through several different outfits, accessories, and shoes. Very rarely do those items get put back where they should be in a timely fashion. Invite me over and I will make sure everything is folded beautifully, back in its correct spot, and that all hangers are facing the right way.

Anytime Stylist: $50/month*
This is a spin-off from the Live-In Stylist package. For this monthly price you are able to text me, email or call me with any style questions you may have. Text me a picture from a store and I will get back to you immediately.

Updated Outfit Look-Book: $80/hr*

If you are loving your outfits that we put together during your Closet Clean-Out or Seasonal Consultation, I will come over and put together a few more. We work only with clothes you already own and at the end of the day I will provided you with a personalized look-book for you to reference when getting ready.

Treasure Hunt: $30/hr

Did you see that one blazer in that magazine last month but can’t find it anywhere? Send me the information and I will go on the hunt for any item. You only pay if I find the treasure.

*Designates for current clients only

Commercial wardrobe styling is also available. Please email me at for rates

1 comment:

  1. I think Rachel Zoe would be impressed! I know I am! Looking forward to working together - email to follow ;) htmg + tksb
